SIlvia Orriols at the Tarragona rally

The 8 Leaders of ERC and Junts Who Have Joined Aliança Catalana

Orriolismo bases its growth on the collapse of the pro-independence parties

At least half of Catalonia orrioleja in the dining room at home. It is the phrase that Sílvia Orriols pronounced some time ago, and it caused a sensation because it reflects an undeniable truth. The success of Aliança Catalana lies in saying what many think and perhaps do not dare to say.

Its growth is also a product of the collapse of the pro-independence parties, as both phenomena are interconnected. The fact that orriolism feeds on the failure of Esquerra and Junts is demonstrated by the increasing transfer of leaders and mid-level cadres. Or the panic unleashed among the Catalan political and media establishment, who fear a massive exodus of activists and votes.

A person in a pink jacket speaking into a microphone in a formal setting.
Sílvia Orriols has managed to stand out in the Parliament | Parlament

The emergence of Sílvia Orriols in Parliament, and the submission of ERC and Junts to PSOE/PSC, have accelerated this transfer. The latest polls point to Aliança Catalana as the fastest-growing party, and to ERC and Junts as the ones sinking the most.

Junts, Easy Prey for Orriols

Aliança Catalana has a very clear boundary with Junts, heirs of the former CiU that represented the essence of conservative nationalism. When Junts abandoned this space dragged by the woke whirlwind of the Procés, many felt orphaned. Orriols has come to fill this space, and she is managing to attract many former Convergents.

Like Salvador Bonjoch, mayor of Junts in Bellpuig between 2011 and 2019, who has now switched to Aliança Catalana. Or the former coordinator of Junts in Berguedà, Pep Llamas, and the former candidate in Tírvia, Ramon Porta. The former councilor of Junts in Roda de Ter, Marina Quintana, is now president of Aliança Catalana in the Osona region.

An older man with glasses and gray hair smiles in front of a neutral background.
Salvador Bonjoch, former mayor of Bellpuig | Cedida

There is also a sector of Junts increasingly inclined to distance themselves from the burden of ERC and the CUP, to move closer to Aliança Catalana. They are betting on strengthening a conservative nationalist space that surpasses the woke experiment of the Procés. They are not the only ones...

Concern in ERC

...because, contrary to what one might think, in ERC there is also a group of voters and activists who sympathize with Aliança Catalana. Like the former mayor of ERC in Les Borges Blanques, Miquel Àngel Estradé, who has shown affinity with orriolista positions on issues such as immigration.

Miquel Àngel Estradé
Miquel Ángel Estradé, former ERC mayor in Les Borges Blanques | Esquerra Republicana,

What until now was a disenchantment with the party itself and some sympathy for Aliança Catalana, is lately evolving into a mass defection. Especially following the re-election of Oriol Junqueras as president of ERC. For the more radical pro-independence sector, it is proof that there is no other path but to leave the party.

One of those who has already done so is Eduard Àngel, former leader of ERC in Amer and now a member of Aliança Catalana. He has followed the same path as the former mayor of Alpicat, Ramon Abad, and the former mayor of Castelló de Farfanya, Cristina Lafay. Jordi Coma, former republican spokesperson in Olot, is now a staunch orriolista.

The difference between the two is that Junts is trying to stop the bleeding by shifting to the right, while ERC has opted for a headlong rush. What Junts is doing may end up being insufficient, while what Esquerra is doing looks like a suicidal solution. Time will tell.

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