Junts, once again trailing behind CUP: they admit they want to close the CIE
Jordi Turull acknowledges that 'if we manage these centers, we can close them'
One of the consequences of the procés was the shift of conservative nationalism (CiU) toward the left. To the point of creating a symbiosis between the convergent space and the CUP. The failure of the procés has led Junts to a new turn to the right, but their complexes still make them trail behind the far left.
The metamorphosis from CiU to Junts led them to embrace CUP-like causes such as closing the Foreigners' Internment Centers (CIE). The top brass of Junts even posed in front of one of these centers with a banner in the most CUP-like style.

Despite the supposed turn to the right, Junts remains the same. In an interview this Wednesday on El Cafè d'Idees on TVE, their general secretary, Jordi Turull, once again defended the closure of the CIES. His statement is not innocuous, considering that Junts is negotiating the transfer of immigration competencies with the central government.
Throughout these months, the question has lingered about why Junts wants immigration competencies. The left initiated a pressure campaign on Junts, accusing them of mimicking the far-right discourse. The pressures seem to have taken effect, and a more self-conscious Junts than ever is once again buying into the CUP's narrative.
Jordi Turull, in favor of closing the CIE
"You have gone from wanting to close the CIE to wanting to manage them," the presenter Gemma Nierga tells Jordi Turull. To which he responds: "if you manage them, you can close them."
The general secretary of Junts recalls that "there is a resolution from the Parliament" to close the CIE. And he laments that "it's a shame" how these centers are.
Jordi Turull states that "when we talk about immigration policy, we mean this," and adds that what they want is "an alternative to the CIE."
It is part of Junts's strategy to contest the ground of Aliança Catalana while distancing themselves from them. This leads them to the contradiction of advocating for more immigration controls but embracing the immigration policy of ERC and the CUP. This undermines their credibility with the electorate, which is starting to turn away from them.
The indecision of Junts with immigration
CiU voted in 2015 in favor of the resolution that asked the central government to close the foreigners' internment centers. They voted alongside PSC, ERC, CUP, and ICV. Ten years later, Junts has requested competencies from the central government to manage the migration crisis that Catalonia is experiencing.
The reason is none other than the emergence of Aliança Catalana, an anti-immigration party that is gaining ground in the conservative nationalist space. Junts has wanted to show a tougher profile on immigration and security to return to being a party of order. But at the same time, they are unable to shed the leftist burden for fear of being labeled as far-right.
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