A car of the Mossos d'Esquadra with a message overlaid about a robbery of an elderly person.

The Robbery of a 92-Year-Old Woman That Has Sparked Outrage in Catalonia

Social media erupts over this new event in Barcelona

The most affected by the high levels of crime in Catalonia are the citizens, who pay more and more taxes to feel unprotected. Beyond the figures, the large number of testimonies that share their experience daily on social media is striking. These are real experiences that reflect the serious degradation of security and reveal the exhaustion of the Catalans.

Mossos arresting a person and putting him in the patrol car
Crime continues to rise in Catalonia, especially in Barcelona. | @mossos

Some testimonies are especially shocking and further inflame the spirits of the Catalans. Reading stories like this, the question arises of where the limit of the citizens' patience is in the face of this situation.

Neus is a resident of Barcelona, a primary school teacher, and an art, history, and language enthusiast. A few days ago, she shared a sad and at the same time infuriating experience. Her 92-year-old mother was the victim of a robbery in broad daylight, and the thieves showed no mercy even though she uses a walker.

According to her own account, it happened in Plaza Molina in Barcelona, in the Sarrià-Sant Gervasi area. The thieves were two women "from outside," and while one distracted her, the other stole her belongings from the walker. She states that more than the stolen items, it was the impact of the robbery on an elderly woman like her mother that mattered.

Her message has been filled with comments from people showing their support and lamenting the degradation of the city. They talk about constant thefts, altercations, noise, and dirt, a city that has lost all the shine it once had.

Many have been concerned about her mother's condition. "She's fine," she replies, "but she's still shaking, poor thing. But apart from the money, we have the paperwork and the scare." Unfortunately, when they blocked the cards, the money had already been withdrawn.

Tired of So Much Insecurity

There are also many comments blaming the parties that have governed in Catalonia and in Barcelona for the current insecurity. Parties like ERC and Comuns, which have also denied the crime problem and have called those who have denounced it far-right.

"We want more Bukeles and fewer ombudsmen," reads a comment. It refers to the latest controversy sparked by the Ombudsman, who requested the readmission of dangerous prisoners in the kitchens of Catalan prisons. It is an example of the benevolence that more and more people detest, especially with daily events like that of this 92-year-old lady.

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