The Creation of a Mossos Police Station in Manlleu Shows ERC
The Left Once Again Showed Their Naivety When Addressing the Crime Problem
PP has presented a motion in the Interior Commission at Parliament for the construction of a Mossos d'Esquadra police station in Manlleu. The proposal was approved with the favorable votes of Vox and Junts, but ERC and PSC abstained.
The debate on the motion highlighted the naivety of the left regarding the issue of security.

PP presented the motion as a "necessity" for the area, to ensure security in the northern part of the region. Vic, the capital, concentrates almost half of the region's population and also suffers from serious public safety issues.
That's why PP proposes the creation of a second Mossos police station to relieve the existing one in Vic. Thus, the Vic police station would serve the capital and southern towns like Taradell or Tona. And the installation of a police station in Manlleu could meet the needs of the northern area, such as Tavertet, Torelló, or Sant Pere.
Popular deputy Alberto Villagrasa appealed to the consensus caused by the proposal. He recalled that in 2022 a similar proposal was already voted on, although it later came to nothing, and in this regard, he lamented the inaction of the parties that have governed in recent years.
ERC Opposes Building More Police Stations
Junts reiterated that they indeed proposed in October 2022 the construction of a new police station in Manlleu. The proposal was approved in the Interior Commission months later. But Junts claims it didn't materialize due to the lack of will from the Aragonès government, which "replied to our request by playing the flute."
The construction of the police station is a long-standing demand of Junts in the municipality.
In the commission, they recalled that these facilities would serve 60,000 inhabitants. And that the number of officers per inhabitant in Osona is below the Catalan average. That's why the party supported PP's motion.
In his intervention, ERC deputy Josep Vidal clearly stated his party's position on this issue. He said that "building more police stations is not the optimal response to end certain crimes that concern citizens." He also stated that "what we need are preventive reeducation measures."
For Esquerra, "the police response in the area is adequate to the forces it has." He appealed for coordination between police forces. As well as the need for a technical study to assess crime data and identify which crimes are rising and the most effective response.
Crimes Increased by 16% in Manlleu
The proposal also caused a debate about crime in Manlleu.
Vox warned of an "unsustainable situation" in this municipality of 21,000 inhabitants in the Osona region. "A city that was once quiet and family-friendly has become a hotspot of criminality. Drug trafficking and street violence are the daily bread," said deputy Alberto Tarradas.
Antoni Poyato, who is also a resident of Manlleu, spoke on behalf of PSC.
He denied the portrayal made by Vox of the city. He admitted that it has "challenges of coexistence and security," and that "citizens are concerned" and that "an adequate police response is needed." But he stated that it is the third safest city and is well below the average number of crimes per thousand inhabitants.

Data from the Ministry of the Interior also show that conventional crime rose by 15.9% in 2024. All crimes increased except for burglaries in homes and establishments, and drug trafficking. Sexual assaults with penetration increased by 150%, mass brawls by 116%, and vehicle thefts by 33%.
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