A bearded man with large glasses wears a headset microphone and a colorful scarf.

Bob Pop, the 'Colauist' Funded by TV3 Who Has Insulted a Catalan MP

Júlia Calvet Responds to the Comedian: 'No Progressive Journalist Is Going to Intimidate Us with Their Insults'

The comedian Bob Pop has sparked a major controversy by insulting the Vox deputy, Júlia Calvet, during a televised debate. The comment took place on a program on la 2, amid a thorny debate about 'unjoined minors'.

Bob Pop, known for his activist support of the left and his collaborations on TV3, attacked Calvet with the following words. "You wallow like a pig from a herd, young elegant mill of Vox. You have no guts. If there's something Nazis know, it's how to make propaganda":

This attack has not gone unnoticed at all. Vox quickly replied through their social media, condemning the insult and expressing their rejection. "No progressive journalist and no rude 'commentator' is going to intimidate us with their insults. Yes! Return ticket for foreigners who commit crimes," Calvet herself replied:

Social Media Explode Against Bob Pop

Social media have become a hotbed of criticism toward Bob Pop. Many users have questioned the comedian's attitude or even whether he is an authorized voice to intervene in these debates. Social media have not only been a means for denouncement but also for organizing a collective response against Bob Pop's words.

"It's fantastic to see that Bob and his friends don't provide arguments, emotions, moral superiority, and orders, but there's not a single reasoning." "What authority and training does that gentleman have to be at that table? I'm perplexed, please, raise the intellectual and training quality a bit." "Who the hell is that individual to debate serious topics on TV?" said the users, indignant:

Bob Pop in episode 122 of Zona Franca on TV3
Bob Pop Also Has His Space on TV3 | CCMA

At a time when debates about 'unjoined minors' are on the rise, figures like Bob Pop are seen as an example of what they consider an irresponsible way of acting. In this sense, the insults and moral superiority have only increased the division and rejection toward public television figures like him.

Bob Pop, From Being on Colau's Lists to Earning Thousands of Euros from TV3

In the past, Bob Pop was the subject of more criticism for his statements about Catalan. The comedian and TV3 collaborator described the requirement to learn Catalan in the workplace as "classist". On a TV3 program, Pop stated: "There's a classist point in the 'you have to learn Catalan' thing".

These words sparked a wave of indignation among many Catalans, especially due to his salary funded with public money. The space where he taught Catalan, called Bob in Translation, cost 215,000 euros, which included his salary. The criticism was even greater due to his political history.

In the 2023 municipal elections, Bob Pop was included in Ada Colau's lists, which caused more controversy. Some users commented on social media about Pop's "lerrouxism" and his lack of knowledge of Catalan, despite living in Catalonia for 21 years.

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