Antonio David Flores in a patterned jersey is in the foreground, while Rocío Carrasco with brown hair and a pink jacket appears in a red circle in the upper right corner.

Surprise With the Exclusive That Antonio David Flores Has Announced About Rocío Carrasco

Antonio David Flores has revealed information about Rocío Carrasco that hadn't been considered until now.

Antonio David Flores has dedicated one of his latest live streams to recalling the consequences that the documentary in which his ex was the protagonist has had on his life. For the man from Málaga the broadcast of Rocío, Tell the Truth to Stay Alive marked a turning point on which he has now deeply reflected.


According to Flores the mother of his children sought nothing other than to clean up her image with the aforementioned program. To do this she broke her silence of more than two decades to tell what she claims to have experienced with Antonio David over the years.

Rocío Flores's father admitted to his followers that he is aware that some came to doubt his innocence after watching the documentary. "The staging the script" Antonio David noted "made some believe this woman's testimony was true".

Antonio David Flores Claims That Rocío Carrasco's Documentary Was Scripted

The broadcast of the documentary also led to the immediate departure of the Andalusian from Telecinco. A dismissal that a judge later declared null. The courts sided with the former civil guard and he had to be compensated.

But in addition Flores was sued by Rocío Carrasco for asset misappropriation and gender violence. Two lawsuits in which the former son-in-law of Rocío Jurado was acquitted.

Antonio David now focuses on clarifying that what Rocío Carrasco presented on television did not match what she later testified before the judge. According to Flores the documentary rewrote a story through a script and staging that many believed.

The former civil guard believes that the airing of Rocío Carrasco's documentary destroyed his reputation. | Mediaset

More than three million people heard a testimony that did not align with what actually happened. But it was enough to according to the YouTuber destroy "the honor and reputation of the father of her children".

A false accusation based on "hatred resentment wanting to cause harm" Antonio David insisted without hiding his pain.

Flores admitted to his followers that after his departure from Telecinco he was afraid to go out on the street because of "what people would say". He also explained that what the documentary achieved was to polarize society and he recalled that Fidel Albiac's wife even managed to gain the support of political representatives.

Antonio David explained that his ex ruined the lives of their children whom she publicly condemned. To clean up her image Carrasco distanced herself even further from Rocío and David the two children born from her marriage to the man from Málaga.

The Former Civil Guard Makes It Clear That What Carrasco Wanted Was to Clean Up Her Image Through Lies

Flores compared his case to that of an anonymous person who might have gone through the same thing. From his point of view what his ex did was to present herself as a victim when in reality she was the perpetrator. A matter that was later echoed by different media and was talked about at all hours for a long time.

An irreparable damage Antonio David pointed out. "When the documentary came out they finished me off as if you're alive and they rip your heart out" he explained as an example.

According to Antonio David, his ex might have cleaned up her image by trying to get closer to her children. |

In conclusion Olga Moreno's ex sentenced the mother of his children. "If all the time she spent on that hatred on hurting me she had spent on getting her children back she probably would have managed to clean up her image". A reflection that makes clear what Carrasco's intention was when she stood before the audience to tell her truth.

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