Terelu Campos with a surprised expression is outdoors, surrounded by vegetation, with an empty speech bubble and a surprised emoji next to her.

Surprise on 'Survivors' by What Terelu Campos Has Revealed: 'It's the First Time'

Terelu Campos Has Decided to Confess Something on 'Survivors' That She Hadn't Dared to Reveal Until Now

Terelu Campos has become the undisputed star of the newly launched edition of Supervivientes. Alejandra Rubio's mother, as the days go by, is showing that she is increasingly less afraid of situations she previously couldn't face. Proof of this was when she was about to submerge her head underwater: "It's the first time in my life that I've put on these kinds of goggles," she stated.

With these words, Terelu made it clear that she is willing to do anything for as long as her experience as a survivor lasts. María Teresa Campos's daughter, encouraged by Pelayo Díaz, tried again to put on the mentioned goggles, this time successfully. Clinging to the designer, Campos managed to see the seabed surrounding the island that has now become her new home.

Terelu Campos Admits She Had Never Worn Diving Goggles Before

It is worth remembering that the eldest of the Campos sisters doesn't know how to swim, and for her, jumping from the helicopter was already a triumph. Now she is determined to show that nothing can stop her, and that is why Terelu is now starting to learn the technique of diving. A useful task considering that the contestants of Supervivientes must find food among the resources the island offers them.

For the television collaborator, accepting her participation in the reality show is quite a challenge. Not only physically but also emotionally, which she seems to be facing for now.

A woman with an emotional expression speaks while surrounded by other people in an outdoor setting.
Terelu Campos is surprising everyone by facing her fears. | Mediaset

In fact, her daughter, Alejandra Rubio, referred to her mother's physical limitations due to her health problems. To this, one must add that she has a fear of insects and difficulties sleeping on the ground.

Before flying to Honduras, Terelu revealed on ¡De Viernes! that she didn't see herself capable of performing activities like spearfishing. She then explained that she had never used diving goggles because they give her the feeling that she might drown. A fear that now seems to be overcoming, as seen in the broadcast images.

Another of her fears is claustrophobia, which just a day ago caused her to panic. The storm that raged from Tuesday night to Wednesday caused Terelu Campos to activate the abandonment protocol.

Terelu Campos Is Showing She Can Face Her Greatest Fears

The wind, rain, and a choppy sea became the protagonists of one of the most difficult nights remembered in all editions of Supervivientes. In fact, the beaches, due to the storm, had to be evacuated for the first time in the history of the reality show.

The images could be seen live during the broadcast of Tierra de nadie. Terelu appeared visibly affected and pleading to leave the island: "I want you to get me out of here. I mean, I want you to put me in a shelter right now," the panelist demanded.

Terelu Campos threatens to leave 'Survivors'.
Terelu Campos asked to leave the island due to the fear caused by the wind and rain storm. | Mediaset

Finally, a few hours after pleading for her departure, the presenter showed a very different demeanor. She appeared calmer and even reconsidering her decision. An attitude that makes it clear that Terelu is capable of facing her fears with a determination that even she didn't know she had until now.

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