A woman with dark makeup and a serious expression appears on a television show, while a box on the left shows the face of another woman with a neutral expression and a surprised emoji.

Revolution Over What Leticia Requejo Has Discovered About Gloria Camila Ortega

Leticia Requejo has revolutionized the set of 'TardeAR' after giving the latest update on Gloria Camila Ortega live

Leticia Requejo has completely shaken up the set of TardeAR. The journalist has arrived with exclusive information that has left everyone speechless about Gloria Camila Ortega: she is in love again.

During the program, there has been speculation about the love life of Gloria Camila Ortega. In recent weeks, Ortega Cano's daughter has been seen several times walking through the streets of Madrid with Manuel Cortés. This has sparked all kinds of rumors about a possible relationship between them.

A television screen shows two prominent people with a green border on a colorful background, with text at the bottom mentioning an exclusive about Gloria Camila and Manuel Cortés.
In "TardeAR," they talk about Gloria Camila Ortega's love life | Telecinco

The program's collaborators have analyzed these images and debated the possibility that there is something more than just friendship between Gloria Camila and Manuel. However, after much discussion, they have ended up dismissing any kind of romance between them. They have confirmed that, despite appearances, they are only friends.

Leticia Requejo Drops the bomb About Gloria Camila Ortega on TardeAR

But the big bomb has been dropped by Leticia Requejo. The journalist has claimed that she has privileged information about Gloria Camila's love life. She has revealed, exclusively, that the young woman “is in love with a singer.”

Her words have caused a great stir on the set. No one expected this news. And not only that, but she has also given the name of the lucky one: “She has a boyfriend and he is a musician, his name is Álvaro García.”

A smiling woman in an off-the-shoulder black dress with a gold skirt holds an object in her hand against a colorful background with letters and stars.
Leticia Requejo gives the latest update on Gloria Camila Ortega | Telecinco

The set has exploded with comments and reactions. All the collaborators have wanted to know more details about this unexpected romance. Leticia has explained that Álvaro García already knows Gloria's family.

Additionally, she has confirmed that they have been dating for a couple of weeks. A relationship that, until now, had remained completely secret.

Leticia Requejo Shows the Image of Gloria Camila Ortega's Boyfriend

But Leticia Requejo has not stopped there, to everyone's surprise, she has shown live a photograph of Gloria Camila's new boyfriend. The image has caused a real impact on the program. All the collaborators have been astonished.

A man sings on a stage with a background of red guitars and yellow lights, wearing a black jacket and a white t-jersey with a graphic design.
Gloria Camila Ortega's new boyfriend | @telecincoes, Telecinco

The reactions have not been long in coming. Some have commented on the young man's attractiveness. Others have analyzed his profile and tried to find out more about his musical career.

This unexpected discovery has completely revolutionized the set of TardeAR. Without a doubt, Leticia has given the exclusive of the day and her revelation has changed the course of the program and left everyone wanting more details. Will Gloria Camila talk about this romance in the coming days? Will she confirm her relationship publicly? Only time will tell.

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