Curly-haired Patricia Pérez looks to the right while in the upper right corner there's a circle with the image of Luis Canut smiling and a surprised emoji at the bottom.

Patricia Pérez's Statement About Her Husband, Luis Canut: 'the Only Thing I Ask Is...'

Patricia Pérez reveals during her latest interview where her marriage with Luis Canut stands

During her latest interview, Patricia Pérez shared a blunt statement about her husband, Luis Canut. As the television collaborator assured, "the only thing I've asked him is not to disappoint me."

In recent months, Patricia has become one of the most frequent faces within Mediaset España. So much so that, today, she is part of the team of collaborators for Telecinco programs, TardeAR and ¡De Viernes!.

Patricia Pérez and Luis Canut posing together in front of a blue background at an event.
Patricia Pérez reveals the only thing she has asked Luis Canut | Europa Press

Now, the magazine Diez Minutos has published Patricia Pérez's latest interview, in which she talked, among other things, about her professional career. However, the statements that have attracted the most attention have been those related to her husband, Luis Canut.

There is no doubt that they have become one of the strongest and most solid marriages in the social scene of our country. However, despite their evident complicity, the television personality has assured that, like in all relationships, they have their differences.

Therefore, after explaining that she is a woman faithful to her principles, Patricia Pérez has had no qualms about sharing the only request she has made to Luis Canut. "The only thing I've asked my husband in life is not to disappoint me," she assured firmly.

Patricia Pérez Speaks Loud and Clear About Her Husband, Luis Canut

After confessing that the only thing she asks of her husband is not to "disappoint" her, Patricia Pérez has had no problem talking about her own flaws.

"I have many, but my biggest flaw is also my virtue with myself. I'm too faithful to my principles and I don't give in when I have certain feelings," assured Luis Canut's wife.

Capture of Patricia Pérez excited in 'TardeAR'
Patricia Pérez talks about her own flaws | Telecinco

Meanwhile, Patricia Pérez has opened up like never before to talk about her husband's tough health setback. Two years ago, Luis was diagnosed with cryptococcal meningitis, for which he had to spend five months hospitalized.

As a result of this condition, Luis Canut lost the vision in both of his eyes. However, despite this tough setback, fortunately, he has managed to adapt to his new reality.

Luis Canut and Patricia Pérez in an interview with a Europa Press microphone.
Patricia Pérez had a very hard time with her husband's illness | Europa Press

Now, Patricia Pérez didn't want to miss the opportunity to speak about it during her latest and revealing interview. "I only had in mind that he would survive. He was very ill for five consecutive months... I didn't have much time to think and just wanted to protect him," the collaborator assured.

"The nurses were surprised that I was there for five months. I bathed him, cleaned him, changed the sheets, because he deserved it... I also didn't want it to seem like a Big Brother," she added.

Fortunately, those bad days have come to an end, and Patricia Pérez has been able to resume her professional career on the small screen. A job that requires her to travel constantly between Madrid and Valencia, the city where she lives with Luis Canut.

However, everything suggests that Patricia and Luis have managed to adapt to this situation: "We are a very stable family. Luis is physically better and now comes with me to Madrid, and we organize well, in Madrid from Wednesday to Saturday, and we take the opportunity to see the family."

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