A smiling woman with dark hair and an overlay of a worried face emoji.

No One Demanded the Decision Carmen Alcayde Has Made in the Middle of 'Supervivientes'

Carmen Alcayde Surprises Everyone with an Unexpected Twist Shortly After Starting Her Experience as a Survivor

Carmen Alcayde began her participation in Survivors 2025 several weeks later than her fellow contestants. The journalist landed just over a week ago in Honduras, replacing Beatriz Rico, who decided to leave the island. Very excited about embarking on this adventure, few expected that the Valencian, when no one expected it, would decide to rebel against her companions.

"I have a disadvantage in everything," she let slip to the rest of the survivors, visibly upset. Alcayde complained that arriving later to the competition makes her feel behind the rest of the participants. The journalist referred to the moments the rest of the group spent together, such as the flight from Spain or the stay at the hotel until the reality show premiered.

"I'm coming here as a newcomer and I feel like you all are a lifelong school gang and I'm the new one," she repeated. Although she acknowledged that everyone is being "phenomenal" with her, the truth is that this situation displeases her, as she made known to the rest.

Carmen Alcayde Has Publicly Complained About Competing at a Disadvantage

Then, without hiding what she thought, the panelist revealed what she had kept quiet until then. Carmen Alcayde disclosed that she is aware that she is the person everyone is going to nominate. According to the Valencian, her name will be the most mentioned for a simple reason: she is the one with whom they have the least affinity.

Before jumping from the helicopter Alcayde had the opportunity to reveal what her biggest fear was. "My biggest fear is bugs..." she admitted while explaining that she had undergone therapy to overcome this phobia.

Carmen Alcayde in a black jersey is speaking outdoors surrounded by palm trees. Screenshot from 'Survivors'.
Carmen Alcayde has explained that she feels she is at a disadvantage compared to the rest of the survivors | Mediaset

Additionally, she also explained that she thought she might have difficulty with strength challenges. "Even though I go to the gym, my arms are weak," she admitted, then warned that puzzles are not her strong suit either.

Although Carmen Alcayde joined the reality show "eager to give it her all," the contestant did not count on the disadvantage she has now made known. The truth is that in her first week as a survivor, the former host of Here Is the Tomato was nominated. Her name was also not on the list of those saved that was announced last Sunday.

The Valencian's Attitude Shows She Is Not Willing to Keep Quiet About Anything

In the spotlight were, in addition to Carmen Alcayde, Damián, Koldo, Rosario, Almácor, Ángela, Gala, Montoya, Pelayo, Nieves, and Laura Cuevas. Finally, Rosario Matew, Koldo, and Montoya were removed from this list, as they were the saved ones of the night.

Next Thursday, one of the nominees will have to say goodbye to the island. Their new destination will be Mystery Beach, where they will meet either Samya or Manuel, depending on who is saved by the audience. The truth is that if Alcayde is the one who leaves the Telecinco competition, the journalist's words warning that she participates at a disadvantage will come true.

Two people on the beach, one with a life jacket and the other holding a microphone, with the sea in the background.
The journalist arrived in Honduras a few days after her colleagues did | Mediaset

It is worth remembering that Survivors is not the first reality show where Alcayde tests her strength. In 2023, she participated in Big Brother VIP 8. Her presence in Guadalix de la Sierra was a complete revolution, managing to reach the semifinals of the competition and being the sixth finalist of her season.

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