A bald man with a serious expression is in the foreground, with a group of blurred people in the background and a broken heart on his chest; the text "COM SI FOS AHIR" appears in the image.

Cold Shower for Eduard Farelo in 'Com Si Fos Ahir': It's Over

Relationships suffer a significant impact, with Miquel's, played by Eduard Farelo, being one of the most affected

Com si fos ahir arrives with an emotional charge that promises to keep viewers hooked from the first minute. Relationships are deeply affected, especially Miquel's, played by Eduard Farelo.

This way, he will face an unexpected turn in his personal and professional life. In this episode, the consultancy will be the main setting for tensions, but we will also see how the closest characters are caught up in their own internal conflicts.

A bald man with a beard and a dark sweater looks ahead with a serious expression.
Eduard Farelo's Relationship Hangs by a Thread | TV3

Itziar Needs Help

One of the first scenes of the episode introduces us to Itziar, who, as on other occasions, seeks refuge in her close ones. This time, she asks Silvia if she can stay at her house for a few days.

However, after an exchange of words, it is Ivan who ends up convincing Silvia to let him be the one to take her in. This seemingly simple dynamic will be the prelude to what is to come.

Meanwhile, Aniol's character, who has been a calmer figure until now, will be surprised by good news. It seems that it will bring him some relief amid the growing tension surrounding his friends and colleagues.

Woman in a burgundy jacket walking down the street with parked cars in the background.
Itziar asks for help | TV3

Cold Shower for Eduard Farelo

However, what will really set the course of the episode is Cèlia's drastic decision to cut off the personal relationship with Miquel. This very blunt decision will affect not only Miquel, played by Eduard Farelo, but also the internal dynamics of the consultancy.

Miquel's situation will undoubtedly be one of the most intense points of the episode. Cèlia's decision seems to be a blow for him, both personally and professionally. Viewers will witness one of the most delicate situations the character has experienced.

Two people talking in an office, one of them is a bald man with a beard and tie.
Cèlia decides to break off her personal relationship with Miquel | TV3

The plot becomes even more complicated with the pressure Naiara exerts on Jess, who is forced to make difficult decisions. The threat of Ferni being reported to the police station places Jess in a position of vulnerability.

This episode promises to be one of the most intense of the season, with unexpected twists and characters facing decisions that will mark their immediate future. Com si fos ahir continues to prove that its stories keep engaging TV3's audience.

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