Two people shaking hands in front of a door with windows.

Junts and PSOE Reach an Agreement on the Distribution of Unjoined Minors: The Fine Print

Agree That Catalonia Will Take in About Thirty of the 4,000 Unjoined Minors in the Canary Islands

PSOE and Junts have reached a last-minute agreement for the distribution of unjoined foreign minors in the autonomous communities. The bilateral agreement, behind the backs of the other communities, establishes that Catalonia will host about thirty of the 4,000 minors who are in the Canary Islands. The rest will be distributed throughout the rest of the Spanish territory.

A group of people go down some stairs in a subway station.
Catalonia Has Welcomed Beyond Its Means | Google

The socialists thus satisfy Junts's demand, but as has been happening in this legislature, the key is in the fine print. It remains to be seen how other government allies like Podemos will react. Especially how it will be managed in Catalonia, where PSC governs with the support of pro-immigration parties.

What PSOE and Junts Have Agreed

PSOE and Junts have agreed to establish through a decree law the criteria to "solve the humanitarian situation in a fair and equitable manner." They emphasize the "effectiveness" of the "integration" of these minors, and their "opportunities." They set as criteria the population weight, but also the effort made by Catalonia in recent years.

This means that most of the minors will be distributed among the communities that have not hosted them so far, or have done so to a lesser extent. According to Junts, Catalonia will host only about 20 or 30 of the 4,000 who are in the Canary Islands, while Madrid will receive more than 700.

The agreement also addresses the economic issue, with some type of compensation for the communities that have made a greater hosting effort. Catalonia has complained vehemently about the uncontrolled hosting of minors without sufficient resources. A grievance that would be compensated with this new agreement.

Will It Be Implemented?

The agreement is very important because it will allow the reform of the immigration law, which Junts blocked due to the disagreement over the distribution of the minors. Once the vote of Puigdemont's party is obtained, the government will approve the reform today in the Council of Ministers. But it remains to be seen how the rest of the communities and parties like Podemos will react.

Junts's demands have already caused great tension with the rest of the communities, especially those governed by the PP. Additionally, the recent announcement of the transfer of immigration for Catalonia has also caused friction with Podemos. It remains to be seen if Podemos or some autonomous communities decide to boycott the agreement.

What PSC Will Do in Catalonia

The agreement seems favorable for Catalonia at first glance, but it remains to be seen how it will be translated from paper to reality. It should be noted that PSC governs with the support of ERC and Comuns, two parties in favor of unlimited hosting of minors. Will they accept the distribution agreed by Junts, a formation they accuse of embracing the far right?

Additionally, the agreement establishes the regulation of the distribution temporarily, for this contingent of 4,000 minors. But it leaves open the distribution for future contingents. This doesn't solve Catalonia's structural problem.

Catalonia is one of the communities that offers the most benefits and services to minors, which creates a pull effect. The agreed distribution manages to temporarily curb the arrival, but nothing ensures it will be so in the future. PSOE and Junts have once again sealed a maximum agreement, where the importance nevertheless lies in the fine print.

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