Graph of the distribution of seats according to the CIS survey

The Most Grotesque Cis: Gives Victory to Pedro Sánchez After Losing the Debate

The socialists would prevail over the populares by 1.5 points.

Tezanos doesn't give up. Following Pedro Sánchez's debacle in last Monday's face-to-face with Feijóo, the Center for Sociological Research (CIS) continues to give victory to PSOE. According to the latest survey just published, the socialists would win by 1.5 points over the populares.

It doesn't matter that everyone except PSOE gave Feijóo as the clear winner of the debate. Nor that according to all surveys, a clear majority of Spaniards think that the conservative candidate prevailed over his opponent. Once again, CIS has cooked the data to fuel Pedro Sánchez's comeback possibilities.

PSOE Would Win the Elections

CIS not only doesn't reflect Sánchez's defeat in the debate but also points to a PSOE comeback. In the latest barometer (July 5), CIS gave PP as the winner with 31.4% of the votes and 130 seats. PSOE was close behind with an estimated 31.2% of the vote and 124 seats.

Graph of the intention to vote for the general elections of July 23 according to the CIS
PSOE would win the elections again | E-Noticies

According to the new barometer, after the debate PSOE would win the elections with 31% of the votes compared to PP's 29.6%. In seats, the socialists would obtain 119 compared to PP's 128. "Tezanos has ten days left to keep squandering our money," social media comment.

The Left Would Have It Better

According to Tezanos's CIS, neither the right nor the left would achieve an absolute majority. But PSOE would be better positioned to form a comfortable majority with Sumar and the rest of the small formations. PP and Vox would add up to 161 seats, and they would need fifteen more deputies to reach an absolute majority.

Tezanos's CIS gives Vox a rise in voting intention: the last barometer gave them 10.6% of the votes, while in this latest one they would achieve 11.7%. Abascal's party, which CIS had so far given a ceiling of 29 deputies, could reach 33.

As for Sumar, Sánchez's potential partners would achieve 15.5% of the votes and 45 deputies. The demographic center thus subtracts 1.3 points from Yolanda Díaz's party, which would go from a ceiling of 50 seats to 45.

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