Així t’enganyen els processistes: criden ‘Espanya ens roba’ mentre es fan rics gràcies a Espanya POLITICS

Pro-Independence Deception: They Get Rich Thanks to Spain While Saying 'Spain Robs Us'

Deputies, senators, members of the RTVE board of directors, Bank of Spain... The generous salary of some pro-independence supporters

Having salaries of up to 125,000 euros annually paid by the State from which you claim to want independence. This is the hypocrisy of many leaders, politicians, and pro-independence figures, those who said they wanted to achieve independence. All they ended up doing, however, was inventing a process that allowed them to live very well while destroying everything.

Today we talk about those individuals who, with one hand, wave the flag of "Spain robs us." With the other hand, they collect a generous salary from that same Spain from which they claim to want independence. Join me in this story of premium hypocrisy.

➡️ Politics

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