A man in glasses and a suit is standing in front of an orange train with the letter "R" visible.

Chaos in Rodalies Reflects the Failure of Processism and PSC: Catalans Erupt

ERC, Junts, and socialists are at each other's throats while passengers pay the price.

Catalans experienced another day of chaos in the Rodalies service this Friday. An electrical failure on the R2, between Bellvitge and El Prat, affected trains on this and four other lines of the railway service. The result was passengers trapped inside trains, panic attacks, and people walking on the tracks.

The scene is more reminiscent of a third-world country than a community aspiring to global economic leadership.

A group of people walks in a line next to the train tracks, beside a stopped train.
Passengers walking on the tracks this Friday | TV3

On the other hand, it reflects the failure of ERC and Junts after a decade of selling false hopes. And of PSC, unable to manage now from the government the deficiencies of a service that affects millions of people in Catalonia.

As expected, they have been at each other's throats. ERC accusing Junts of putting obstacles in the transfer of Rodalies, Junts pointing to PSC as responsible for the chaos... meanwhile, citizens paying the consequences of a decade of processism and its continuation with PSC.

Pointing to PSC, ERC, and Junts

"Another day of chaos in Catalonia, whether it's Rodalies, education, healthcare. What a shame of politicians and journalists, all guilty of this daily nonsense. Some due to incompetence, and others as accomplices to not lose subsidies, enough of so much humiliation."

This is one of the hundreds of messages that have accumulated on social media during the morning, showing the Catalans' exhaustion. They warn that the situation is "unsustainable" and clearly point to PSC, ERC, and Junts.

Many messages demand the resignation of the Minister of Territory, Sílvia Paneque, and ask Salvador Illa for urgent solutions. But many others also think that the Rodalies problem won't be solved until Catalonia is independent. That's why they point to ERC and Junts as necessary accomplices in the lack of investments in Catalonia.

Junts continues to support Pedro Sánchez's Government in Madrid, while ERC supports Salvador Illa's Government in Catalonia.

"Now don't come with reproaches among yourselves, you remain submissive to Madrid while they put your demands in a drawer," says a comment to deputy Salvador Vergés. "And what have you done Junts, ERC, PSC, and Comuns all these years," points out another, labeling them as "inept and incompetent political class."

Waiting for the Transfer

Representatives of ERC have also directed their criticisms at PSC. But the reality is that the republicans agreed with PSOE on the full transfer of Rodalies management. While Catalans continue to suffer from the service's deficiencies, Esquerra says the chaos justifies the need for the transfer and takes a tough stance.

Oriol Junqueras warns that his support for Sánchez and Illa depends on the fulfillment of the agreements by 2025. The pact includes the transfer of trains and tracks, as well as the financing for it and the necessary economic resources.

The State transferred part of the Rodalies competencies to the Generalitat in 2010. Catalonia is in charge of the management, regulation, coordination, and inspection of the services. The state companies Adif and Renfe are responsible for the infrastructures and trains, which are the competencies that will now be transferred to Catalonia.

➡️ Politics

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