A thoughtful woman next to a bunch of blueberries and the flag of Morocco.

This Is the Trick to Know if Blueberries Come From Morocco: Easy and Very Quick

The Maghreb country is one of the main exporters of fruits and vegetables to European countries like Spain.

Morocco has established itself as one of the main exporters of blueberries to Europe. In fact, the Maghreb country broke record export figures in 2024 and 2025 could improve those numbers. However, identifying if the blueberries we buy come from Morocco is simple if we know some key details.

One of the quickest and most effective methods to know if the blueberries come from the neighboring country is to look at the barcode. The European standard (EAN) consists of 13 digits, the first two numbers indicate the country where the product was registered. Thus, if the blueberries have a barcode that starts with the number 84, we know they come from Spain.

In contrast, if the code begins with 611, it means the blueberries are from Morocco. Likewise, the label is a key factor in identifying them. Moroccan blueberries usually have a specific origin label that clearly mentions the country of export.

Hands holding blueberries on a white cloth with a red and green flag and speech bubbles.
Blueberries usually come from Morocco. | en.e-noticies.cat, Burst

More Ideas to Identify If the Fruit Comes from Morocco

In most cases, details like Made in Morocco or simply Morocco are included, which makes identification easier. It is important to be alert, as Moroccan blueberries are exported to Europe not only directly but also through countries like Spain or the Netherlands. This could cause confusion if the labeling is not carefully observed.

In many cases, Moroccan blueberries are marketed under a specific brand or grouped with other products from Morocco. Therefore, if we see that they are joined by fruits like citrus or peppers, there is a high probability that they are of Moroccan origin. Another trick to identify Moroccan blueberries is their availability period.

Morocco is one of the largest suppliers of fresh blueberries out of season in Europe. These fruits are available especially during the first half of the year when the supply of fresh products in Europe is more limited. That is, if a large part of the blueberries sold at this time of year are from the southern country.

A thoughtful man with his hand on his chin observes a box full of blueberries in plastic containers.
It's easy to know if the blueberries come from Morocco or not. | en.e-noticies.cat, Olena Ivanova's Images, cyano66

Throughout the second half of the year, blueberries from countries in the southern hemisphere, such as Chile and Peru, have greater prominence. Additionally, a curious phenomenon also occurs. Many countries, like Poland or Estonia, import blueberries from Morocco and later export them to Spain with the label Europe.

The Importance of Knowing the Origin of Blueberries

That is, Moroccan blueberries can sometimes reach Spain from other countries. In any case, authorities insist that the quality of the blueberries is not at stake. The fruits that arrive in Spain are known for their quality and for being very well preserved, thanks to their cultivation and transportation techniques.

Blueberries, highly appreciated for their sweet taste and crunchy texture, have become a popular option in markets. Knowing their origin is essential when going to the supermarket. And with all the advice we have given you, it will be easier than ever.

➡️ Consumer Affairs

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