Surprised woman pointing at an avocado in a kitchen.

Nobody Did This with Avocado Peel and Now It's Trendy: It Improves Your Life

The Rise of Avocado Peel as a Valuable Resource Once Considered Mere Waste

Avocado has managed to conquer the homes of millions of people around the world. From being the star of a healthy breakfast to joining a good guacamole, this fruit is recognized for its benefits. However, for a long time, only its pulp was used, while the peel and pit were discarded without further ado.

Nowadays, avocado peels are gaining new relevance thanks to their versatility. What was once considered mere waste has now become a usable resource for different aspects of everyday life. From personal care solutions to practical household methods, the avocado peel is proving to be more useful than we thought.

Avocado cut in half with a blurred background of avocados
Hydrate, Exfoliate, and Nourish with Avocado Peel | Aekapong's Images

Benefits for Personal Care and the Home

The avocado is not only nutritious for its pulp, but its peel also has some beneficial properties that can improve the health of our skin and hair. For example, if the peel is ground together with a bit of coconut oil, a natural lip balm is obtained that deeply moisturizes. This simple trick can leave lips soft and healthy, without the need for industrial products.

Another interesting use is its ability to strengthen hair. Boiling avocado peels in water for a few minutes and using that infusion as a final rinse after shampooing helps give more shine and strength to the hair. This is due to the antioxidants and nutrients the peel contains, providing a natural and effective treatment for hair care.

Woman with a green facial mask and a towel on her head next to a circle showing avocados.
Avocado Peel Is Now Useful for Skin | ugenef de Getty Images Pro, voyagerix

Additionally, the avocado peel has a pulp rich in oils and antioxidants that can be used to make a facial mask. By scraping the pulp that remains attached to the peel and applying it to the face, the skin is nourished and hydrated, providing a homemade and natural treatment to improve its appearance.

Practical Uses in the Home

Apart from personal benefits, the avocado peel also has applications in the home. A quite common use is turning it into homemade compost for plants. If strips of peel are placed near the seeds, they release vitamins and minerals that promote plant growth.

Hands holding fertile soil with an inset showing avocados and a wooden spoon on a board.
The Avocado Peel, a Natural Fertilizer for Your Plants | Nungning20, Andrii Zastrozhnov

Moreover, the avocado peel is perfect as a body scrub. Thanks to its rough texture, it can be used to remove dead skin cells, leaving it softer and renewed. It's a simple and natural method to improve the skin without resorting to commercial products.

The avocado peel, which is commonly thrown away, has a wide variety of practical and beneficial uses. Whether for personal care or as a household tool, taking advantage of this part of the avocado can be a simple way to improve our daily lives.

➡️ Consumer Affairs

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