A surprised woman points to an Aldi sign within a red circle overlaid on the image of a Costco store.

Costco Responds to Aldi in Kind: In the United States

The American giant develops a strategic policy to maintain its competitiveness in the US market

Costco, one of the global retail giants, continues its expansion in the United States. In March 2025, it will open six new stores in strategic locations such as Brentwood and Highland in California, Prosper and Weatherford in Texas, Genesee County in Michigan, and Sharon in Massachusetts. This expansion is part of Costco's strategy to surpass 900 stores worldwide, enhancing the shopping experience for its members.

However, this expansion by Costco could be a direct response to the growing presence of Aldi in the United States. Aldi, the German supermarket chain, has been rapidly gaining ground in the country, and Costco knows it can't fall behind.

Costco supermarket exterior door
Establishment of the American Chain | en.e-noticies.cat, Costco

The Rise of Aldi in the United States

Aldi has achieved impressive growth in the United States in recent years. With more than 2,000 stores across the country, Aldi has managed to capture consumers' attention. It has done so thanks to its business model focused on low prices and quality products.

Its ability to offer fresh and basic items at competitive prices has made Aldi an increasingly popular option. Of course, especially during times of inflation, which has affected households in the United States.

Aldi has also rapidly expanded in key states like California and Texas, where Costco has a strong presence. In these markets, Aldi has positioned itself as an economical alternative to more traditional chains. This represents a challenge for Costco, which also relies on low prices and a wide variety of products, but with the membership model.

Costco Responds to Aldi in Kind: The Expansion Model

In this context, Costco's new openings seem to be a response to Aldi's growing competition. Costco has identified the opportunity to strengthen its presence in key markets. The opening of stores in areas like California, Texas, and Massachusetts is a strategy to assert its dominance in those states.

Aldi has shown that its economical business model is successful, but Costco can't allow market share to be taken away. Therefore, it is expanding its network of stores, aiming to maintain member loyalty and attract new customers.

Aldi and Costco: Direct Competition in Low Prices

Both chains focus on low prices and quality. However, Costco has a competitive advantage: it offers products in large quantities, allowing consumers to save more on each purchase. Additionally, Costco has a much greater variety of products, including electronics, furniture, clothing, and more, while Aldi focuses on a more limited selection of basic products.

Despite Aldi's rapid gain in ground, Costco remains a leader in the membership and exclusive products sector. However, the competition is becoming tougher. Costco's expansion is a way to maintain its relevance in the face of Aldi's growth.

➡️ Consumer Affairs

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